

Friday, March 2, 2012

Kentucky Tornadoes

Some pictures of  tornadoes in the town where I work.  The big building with the balconies in the bottom left corner is where I work.

 Another one about an eight of a mile down the road.

Hail on a friends deck.

And after it all.....a rainbow.  What a day!

1 comment:

  1. Karen, I want you to know that you and your family are in my prayers daily. I'm sorry to hear of the hardships you and your husband are dealing with, and I pray you all find the strength in God's love and mercy. I can't find the right words to offer, but just know I'm sending you all my love and prayers. Also praying that you stay safe from these tremendous storms! These pictures are both beautiful and frightening. They're beautiful pictures, but they sort of shake me when I realize how close the weather is coming to you. It's comforting to see the rainbow after the storm though. God's symbol of promise!
    Many blessings, and all my love, :')
