

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What happened to my sketches?

When I first started this blog I knew I wanted to include photos, to make the story more vivid and to give the readers a good visual reference for the characters' moods and expressions. Then I discovered an app on facebook called "SKETCH MY PHOTO."  It turned any photo you uploaded into this lovely sketch.  I decided to use them in my blog because they just seemed to have that old west feel to them.  Some to the photos turned out too dark when sketched so I just used the actual photo, but all the rest I intended to make into sketches.  Well, wouldn't you know it.  I went to make sketches for chapter 8 and the app is gone from facebook, along with all the sketches that were saved to my profile's photo albums.  I had a major "WHAT THE HECK!"  moment.  I have tried to find another app that makes sketches that look as nice as the other ones, but have not been successful.  So I'm just going to add the actual photos for the rest of the chapters.  I just thought somebody may have been wondering why I stopped using the sketches.  If any one knows of a good app to make sketches out of photos, for free of course,  please email me with the link.  

Much love and God's blessings, 

So beautiful.  *sigh*


  1. I think Sketchapp.net got it working again. Something Facebook did messed them up but it appears to have the old sketching back up again. I went to check because I have a few photos I'd really like to sketch lol. I hope it doesn't change again >.<

  2. Oh, goody. Maybe I can go back and redo all the photos. It will take a while because I have to upload to facebook then go to the app then save the sketch to facebook then save the sketch from my profile back to my hard drive then upload that to the blog. And you can only do one at a time. Whew... I'm wore out just typing it. Thanks for letting me know. ;)

  3. Yeah, it is a pain. Doing some pictures for my family and it sure takes a week. I'm not sure if the selections are exactly the same, now that I get into it more, but there's some that look very close to what you've posted here. I do hope it works for you! The pictures make a very nice touch to the story!

  4. Oh, drat! Every time I try to upload to blogger it rejects the server!!! Oh well, a picture of HH is good whether it's a sketch or a photo. Hope nobody's too disappointed that you'll have to keep seeing him in color instead of black and white.
